T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
T33 Full-Time Center by Aedas | © Blackstation Pixel

In contemporary urban life, the most coveted luxuries are often sunlight, fresh air, and greenery. As modern lifestyles and the rapid expansion of cyberspace drive people further from nature, the inherent human longing for lush, green environments remains strong. The T33 Full-Time Center, also known as Transsion Tower, located in the Liuxiandong Headquarters Base of Shenzhen, seeks to address this disconnect by blending nature, technology, and innovative design into a harmonious urban oasis.

T33 Full-Time Center Technical Information

Architectural design should be inspired by and in harmony with nature. As the built environment evolves, architecture needs to transform not only in its spatial configurations but also by seamlessly incorporating innovative technologies and smart systems.

– Aedas Architects

T33 Full-Time Center Photographs
T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
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T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
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T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
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T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
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T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
© Blackstation Pixel
T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
© Blackstation Pixel
T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
© Blackstation Pixel
T Full Time Center by Aedas Blackstation Pixel
© Blackstation Pixel
T Full Time Center by Aedas Act Studio
T Full Time Center by Aedas Act Studio
T Full Time Center by Aedas Act Studio

Vitality in Modern Architecture

Recent trends in high-rise construction have placed a significant emphasis on green elements to create environmentally friendly spaces. The T33 goes beyond traditional green initiatives by integrating advanced architectural concepts and smart technology to create a building that breathes and grows naturally within the urban fabric.

T33, situated at the heart of an innovation and technology hub, redefines the conventional office building. Designed to meet the needs of the new generation of workers, it offers flexible working spaces, social interaction areas, digital intelligence, and a sustainable environment. The collaboration between Transsion, Aedas, Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd. (IBR), and CCD resulted in the unique “Cloud Hub” concept. This design features modular units that break down barriers between floors, creating spaces for interaction and communication, while a zigzag facade reduces energy consumption by blocking sunlight, enhancing the building’s sustainability.

Finding an Urban Oasis

Leo Liu, Global Design Principal at Aedas and lead designer of T33, emphasizes that architectural design should be inspired by and harmonize with nature. As architecture evolves, it must integrate innovative technologies and smart systems to enhance spatial quality and usability. T33 embodies these principles, aiming to balance urban functionality with minimal environmental impact.

T33’s design respects the urban context and focuses on reconstructing the relationship between people, nature, and technology. The building connects with surrounding natural ecosystems and seamlessly blends public and office spaces, fostering a closer connection with nature. A link bridge system at the third level connects adjacent buildings, forming a vibrant public interface with high-density greenery. This integration aligns with Shenzhen’s identity of innovation, ecology, openness, and inclusiveness.

Vertical glass boxes creatively punctuate T33’s towering mass, offering three-story outdoor terraces accessible via vertical staircases. These spaces connect different levels through shared platforms, encouraging exploration and interaction. The interspersed block layout allows vertical greenery to integrate with outdoor landscapes, enhancing the building’s ecological image over time.

Promoting Creative Inspiration

T33 merges the natural world with technological convenience, creating a seamless blend of people, nature, and technology. The building’s “Cloud Hubs” and “Cloud Boxes” provide diverse interactions, emphasizing internal and external connections. This design approach fosters a unique spatial experience that integrates work, life, and leisure within a 24-hour interconnected urban ecosystem.

The building’s exterior features an orange box that breaks away from conventional office designs, creating a dynamic public space for art exhibitions, creative pop-ups, and avant-garde forums. The double-high lobby, with ultra-high glass curtain walls, allows natural light to flood the interior, creating a serene atmosphere. Inside, green elements and innovative digital artworks, such as “Poetry of Nature” by Ultra Combo, blend creativity, technology, and nature seamlessly.

T33 Full-Time Center Plans

T Full Time Center by Aedas
T Full Time Center by Aedas

T33 Full-Time Center Image Gallery

About Aedas

Aedas is a leading global architecture and design firm renowned for its innovative and sustainable design solutions. Committed to excellence, Aedas integrates cutting-edge technology and creative vision to shape dynamic urban spaces that meet the needs of contemporary society. The firm’s diverse portfolio includes commercial, residential, and mixed-use projects, reflecting its dedication to enhancing the built environment through thoughtful and impactful design.

Notes & Additional Credits
  1. Client: Transsion Holdings
  2. Interior Design Firm: Shenzhen Cheng Chung Design Co., Ltd.
  3. Investment Center Design Firm: Shenzhen Jiang & Associates Creative Design Co., Ltd. 
  4. Planning: Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd., Shenzhen CSCEC Taihong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
  5. Materials: NSK anodized aluminum plate, Milliken environmentally friendly carpet, Italian Lalegno wooden flooring, Spiralis office partition system