Chacala House
Waterproof Your Home | © Onnis Luque

Weather is unpredictable; at one moment, you safely relax in a garden drinking cold lemonade (or something stronger), and the next, you try to close all the doors and windows to protect your house from the coming storm. To avoid such situations and ensure that your property and your precious belongings stay intact, you need to waterproof your home – and do it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, due to technology, there are some things you can do quickly and efficiently to protect your home from bad weather. In the article below, you will learn to check and fix your foundation, seal your roof, fix your doors and windows, waterproof your walls, clean your gutters, and many more. Read on, and ensure you and your belongings stay safe and sound this summer.

1. Protect Your Garage

Many people consider their garage a safe space for all their unused belongings. You can store things like summer outdoor furniture, all necessary tools, or spare parts. However, that is not very safe. Most garages are situated on the ground level and don’t have proper garage door threshold seals, so they are very susceptible to flooding. Water can badly damage your garage’s interior and everything you store in there.

To avoid such risks, you should check and fix your garage door threshold seals—you can easily do it yourself. All you need is a screwdriver, a hammer, and a chisel.

First, remove the old threshold seal. If you want to replace it with a new one, use the chisel to cut through the old seal. Next, fit the new one over the top of the doorframe. You can leave it as it is or use something like duct tape to secure it in place. Finally, tap the new threshold seal into place using a hammer.

Apart from installing the seals, make sure to check if your garage is insulated well and there is no damage to the roof, walls, or foundation. Inspect them for cracks and fix them as soon as possible.

2. Check Your Windows and Doors

Chacala House
© Onnis Luque

In addition to your garage, you should also check your house, especially the windows and doors, for any signs of damage. For instance, if your windows have cracked glass or are leaking, moisture can easily seep in and cause serious damage to your home. Therefore, it is crucial that you check your windows and doors before rain and storms come.

If you find any cracks or holes in your windows or doors, consider replacing them immediately—usually, that works better than fixing the damage. You can either do it yourself or hire a professional. If necessary, make sure that your new windows or doors are weather-resistant and offer good protection against water and other types of bad weather.

In areas like Los Angeles, mold can become a significant issue due to moisture. It’s essential to address any mold problems promptly to maintain a healthy living environment. If you find mold in your home, you might want to consider professional services for mold remediation Los Angeles to ensure it is thoroughly and safely removed.

3. Protect Your Roof

© Ivo Tavares Studio

Next, we’ve got your roof—one of the most important elements of your house when it comes to waterproofing. A leaky roof can cause many problems—not only water damage but also structural issues in the long run. This is especially true when you live in an area with a lot of rain and storms during the year.

To protect your home from leaks and water damage, make sure that your roof is properly caulked. To do this, use a proper caulk gun to apply the caulk along the joints of the roof tiles and other areas where water might get in through cracks or holes. In addition to that, check your roof for cracks and fix them as soon as possible – this way, you are not only staying safe but also saving money that you could have spent on more expensive repairs.  If you need more information about roofing services, check that website.

4. Check Your Exterior Walls

Before summer comes, make sure that your exterior walls are free from any leaks or cracks – it is highly recommended that you check them at least once a year. If you don’t know what to look for, here are some of the main signs of water damage: discolored walls that are soft to the touch, peeling paint, mold growing on walls, wallpaper coming off, cracks in plaster, etc.

If you notice any of these signs on your walls, it’s time to investigate the problem further. If you can easily see where the leak is coming from, fix it immediately; otherwise, call a professional plumber who will help you solve this problem.

5. Seal Your Basement Walls

Waterproof Your Home - waterproof sealant on concrete
Waterproof sealant on concrete

Basements are also prone to flooding – not only from above but also from below ground level. Because of that, it’s important that you have a basement waterproofing plan in place before summer comes.

To do this, you need to seal all cracks and holes on your basement walls using a proper sealant—for example, silicone caulk or cement sealant. However, don’t apply too much sealant, as it can lead to mold growth and other negative consequences.

6. Clean Your Gutters

Gutters are another thing that we often forget about when we talk about proper waterproofing of our houses and properties. Unfortunately, gutters often get clogged up with dirt and debris, which causes them to get blocked and eventually burst during heavy rain (and sometimes during smaller storms). When that happens, all the water will overflow and flow right down your walls.

To avoid such situations, clean your gutters regularly – at least once every three months (better do it once a month). You can easily do it yourself or hire professional gutter cleaning services in your area if needed.


Summer is just around the corner, and you don’t want to be caught off guard by bad weather. Therefore, take action now and waterproof your home – it is definitely worth it. Fortunately, that is not very challenging.

As the article above shows, there are many simple things you can do to protect your home from water damage—and most of them don’t require any special tools or skills. Start with some of these tasks and continue with the next ones as soon as time and weather allow.