Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
Beton Cire Showroom | © Yunmian Photography Studio

In Chengdu, a city renowned for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant arts scene, the Beton Cire Paint Showroom seamlessly blends art and architecture. Designed by NDB DESIGN, this showroom transcends the traditional product display, offering a meticulously curated experience inspired by the abstract works of Kazimir Malevich and the iconic architectural elements of Le Corbusier.

Beton Cire Showroom Technical Information

The contemporary, minimalist aesthetic which runs through the various spaces of the project was inspired by the paintings of Kazimir Malevich, particularly Black Square (1915) and Suprematist Composition (1916).


Beton Cire Showroom Photographs
Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom detial NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom detial NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom detial NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio
Beton Cire Paint Showroom detial NDB Design Studio
© Yunmian Photography Studio

A Canvas of Modern Minimalism

The Beton Cire Paint Showroom embraces a contemporary, minimalist aesthetic, echoing the simplicity and depth found in Malevich’s seminal works, such as Black Square (1915) and Suprematist Composition (1916). The black-and-white contrasts in these paintings serve as the foundational palette for the showroom, creating a backdrop that allows other elements to emerge with clarity and distinction. This approach results in spaces that feel both expansive and intimate, inviting visitors to engage with the environment in a meaningful way.

Drawing from Malevich’s vibrant Suprematist paintings, the designer employed bold colors and geometric shapes to define different functional areas within the showroom. The layout incorporates yellow, red, and green forms over a black base, effectively demarcating zones such as the Entrance, Brand History, Product Display, Meeting Room, and Interactive Space. This method not only organizes the space but also creates a dynamic flow, encouraging movement and interaction akin to the freedom depicted in Malevich’s art.

Cultural Context and Design Integration

Situated in a specialty shopping center in Chengdu, the showroom distinguishes itself from its bustling commercial surroundings through an elemental and visually pure design. The entrance features the brand’s logo etched into beige stone, flanked by two opaque black walls, setting the tone for the unique experience inside. The entrance area also includes a staged presentation with objects that nod to Chengdu’s cultural heritage, such as a traditional wood chair, a green metal canopy, and a red cantilevered countertop.

Inside, visitors are guided through a series of interconnected rooms, each with its own distinct character. The multi-use work area, visible from the entrance, extends the red countertop supported by a vintage table leg, merging the old with the new. Found objects, like a classic PC computer and a small grass broom taped to a wall, add layers of aesthetic detail and local texture, embodying a spirit of inclusiveness and artistic openness.

Innovative Displays and Interactive Elements

The main display area features a tall white curtain splashed with vivid colors, challenging conventional showroom expectations and showcasing the versatility of the company’s paint products. The interactive area further breaks the mold by offering paint brushes dipped in different colors, arranged in a grid for visitors to use. This hands-on approach emphasizes the experiential aspect of the showroom, inviting visitors to engage directly with the products.

The Beton Cire Paint Showroom by NDB DESIGN is a masterful blend of art, architecture, and cultural elements. By referencing the works of Malevich and Le Corbusier and incorporating a playful, inclusive design ethos, the showroom transcends its commercial purpose. It offers an immersive experience that dissolves the boundaries between art and everyday life, leaving a lasting impression on all who visit.

Beton Cire Showroom Plans

floor plan
Floor Plan | © NDB DESIGN

Beton Cire Showroom Image Gallery


NDB DESIGN, led by visionary design director Ni Dongbo, is a distinguished interior design firm known for its innovative and culturally resonant projects. With a philosophy that melds contemporary minimalism with rich artistic influences, the firm draws inspiration from iconic artists and architects such as Kazimir Malevich and Le Corbusier.

Notes & Additional Credits
  1. Design Director: Ni Dongbo
  2. Design Team Member: Zhang Xiaoqing
  3. Contractor: Chengdu Shangyang Construction
  4. Copywriting: Derrick Wang