La Sagrada Família Aerial View
La Sagrada Família: Gaudi in Barcelona | © Logan Armstrong via Unsplash

Barcelona, a city renowned for its vibrant culture and stunning architecture, owes much of its architectural identity to the genius of Antoni Gaudí. His imaginative and unique style has left an indelible mark on the city, making it a pilgrimage site for architecture enthusiasts worldwide. Here are fifteen must-see Gaudí buildings in Barcelona that showcase his extraordinary talent and vision.

Barcelona is a city bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, with a tradition of great architects. Barcelona is my teacher.

– Antoni Gaudi 1

1. La Sagrada Família

nomadic julien Sagrada Familia Antonio Gaudi ArchEyes
Gaudi in Barcelona | © Nomadic Julien

Location: Carrer de Mallorca, 401, 08013 Barcelona, Spain

Perhaps the most famous of Gaudí’s works, La Sagrada Família, is a monumental basilica that has been under construction since 1882. Its intricate facades and towering spires are a testament to Gaudí’s devotion and creativity. The Nativity Facade, filled with elaborate sculptures, contrasts with the starkly different Passion Facade, highlighting the different aspects of Christ’s life. Inside, the basilica’s columns soar like a forest canopy, creating an ethereal atmosphere illuminated by colorful stained glass.

2. Park Güell

Park Güell by Antoni Gaudi
Park Güell: Gaudi in Barcelona | © Martijn Vonk

Location: Carrer d’Olot, s/n, 08024 Barcelona, Spain

Initially intended as a residential project, Park Güel is now a public park that showcases Gaudí’s playful use of color and form. The park is filled with winding pathways, vibrant mosaics, and organic shapes that blend seamlessly with nature. The iconic dragon fountain and the serpentine bench, adorned with trencadís (broken tile mosaics), are quintessential Gaudí elements that make this park a whimsical escape from the city’s hustle and bustle.

3. Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló in Barcelona Facade by Antoni Gaudi
Casa Batlló | © Duncan Kidd

Location: Passeig de Gràcia, 43, 08007 Barcelona, Spain

Located on the bustling Passeig de Gràcia, Casa Batlló is a masterpiece of modernist architecture. The building’s undulating facade, covered in colorful ceramic tiles, is reminiscent of a dragon’s scales. Inside, Gaudí’s attention to detail is evident in the flowing lines, organic shapes, and innovative use of light and space. The roof terrace, with its distinctive chimneys and a dragon-back design, offers stunning views of the city.

4. Casa Milà (La Pedrera)

Casa Mila by Antoni Gaudi
Casa Mila | © David Russeler via Unsplash

Location: Passeig de Gràcia, 92, 08008 Barcelona, Spain

Casa Milà, commonly known as La Pedrera, is another iconic Gaudí creation on Passeig de Gràcia. The building’s wavy stone facade and wrought-iron balconies give it a unique appearance. The rooftop, with its surreal sculptures and chimneys, is a highlight, offering panoramic views of Barcelona. Inside, the building features innovative design elements, such as the use of natural light and an open-plan layout.

5. Casa Vicens

Casa Vicens in Barcelona by Antoni Gaudi
Casa Vicens | © David Russeler via Unsplash

Location: Carrer de les Carolines, 20-26, 08012 Barcelona, Spain

Casa Vicens is Gaudí’s first significant work and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This residential building, with its eclectic mix of Moorish, Gothic, and neoclassical influences, stands out with its colorful ceramic tiles and ornate ironwork. The lush garden surrounding Casa Vicens adds to its charm, making it a delightful example of Gaudí’s early architectural style.

6. Palau Güell

Palau Guell in Barcelona by Antoni Gaudi
Palau Güell | © Manuel Torres Garcia via Unsplash

Location: Carrer Nou de la Rambla, 3-5, 08001 Barcelona, Spain

Located in the Raval neighborhood, Palau Güell was designed as a residence for Gaudí’s patron, Eusebi Güell. The building’s facade, with its intricate wrought-iron gates and parabolic archways, hints at the opulence within. Inside, the mansion features luxurious materials, intricate woodwork, and a central hall with a stunning parabolic dome. The rooftop, adorned with colorful chimneys, is a visual treat.

7. Colonia Güell Crypt

Colonia Güell Crypt
Colonia Güell Crypt | © Steve Silverman via Unsplash

Location: Claudi Güell, 6, 08690 Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona, Spain (just outside Barcelona)

The Colonia Güell Crypt, located on the outskirts of Barcelona, is part of an unfinished church project. This subterranean space showcases Gaudí’s innovative use of materials and structural techniques. The crypt’s asymmetrical columns, parabolic arches, and intricate stained glass windows create a serene and otherworldly atmosphere, reflecting Gaudí’s deep religious faith.

8. Torre Bellesguard (Casa Figueras)

Torre Bellesguard by Antoni Gaudi
Torre Bellesguard | © Maria P via Unsplash

Location: Carrer de Bellesguard, 16-20, 08022 Barcelona, Spain

Torre Bellesguard, also known as Casa Figueras, is a lesser-known but equally fascinating Gaudí work. This modernist castle, built on the ruins of a medieval residence, combines Gothic and Art Nouveau elements. The building’s sharp angles, stone facades, and decorative mosaics are complemented by a beautiful garden, offering visitors a glimpse into Gaudí’s more restrained yet imaginative style.

9. Casa Calvet

Calvet House in Barcelona

Location: Carrer de Casp, 48, 08010 Barcelona, Spain

Casa Calvet, situated in the Eixample district, is one of Gaudí’s more conventional designs, yet it still bears his unmistakable touch. The building’s symmetrical facade, adorned with floral and mythological motifs, is a nod to the textile industry for which it was built. Inside, the elegant woodwork, ornate furnishings, and meticulous attention to detail demonstrate Gaudí’s versatility as an architect.

10. Gaudí House Museum

Gaudí House Museum
Gaudí House Museum | © Fnikos, Flickr User

Location: Park Güell, Carrer d’Olot, s/n, 08024 Barcelona, Spain

Located within Park Güell, the Gaudí House Museum was the architect’s residence for nearly 20 years. The museum offers an intimate look at Gaudí’s personal life, showcasing his furniture designs, personal objects, and drawings. The house itself, with its pink facade and Gothic-inspired details, reflects Gaudí’s distinctive architectural style and serves as a fitting tribute to his genius.

11. Casa de les Punxes (Casa Terrades)

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Casa de les Punxes | © Domenico Convertini, Flickr User

Location: Av. Diagonal, 420, 08037 Barcelona, Spain

Although not designed entirely by Gaudí, Casa de les Punxes, or the House of Spikes, was heavily influenced by his style. Designed by Josep Puig i Cadafalch, a contemporary of Gaudí, this building features Gothic and Modernisme elements, with its pointed turrets and intricate ironwork reflecting the fairy-tale aesthetic often associated with Gaudí.

12. Colegio de las Teresianas

Colegio de las Teresianas
Colegio de las Teresianas: Gaudi in Barcelona | © Marina, Flickr User

Location: Carrer de Ganduxer, 85-105, 08022 Barcelona, Spain

The Teresian College, or Colegio de las Teresianas, is a lesser-known but significant work by Gaudí. This school building, designed for the Order of the Teresians, combines elements of Gothic and Modernisme architecture. Its brick facade, pointed arches, and minimalist design showcase Gaudí’s ability to create functional yet aesthetically pleasing structures for educational purposes.

13. Bodegas Güell

Celler Güell
Celler Güell: Gaudi in Barcelona | © Canaan, CC BY-SA 4.0

Location: Carretera C-31, km 186, 08871 Garraf, Barcelona, Spain (near Sitges, outside Barcelona)

A wine cellar and chapel located in Garraf, just outside Barcelona, showcasing Gaudí’s unique architectural style.

14. Portal Miralles

Portal Miralles
Portal Miralles by Antoni Gaudi | © Marina, Flickr User

Location: Passeig de Manuel Girona, 55, 08034 Barcelona, Spain

While not a building, the Portal Miralles is an intriguing structure designed by Gaudí. This wavy, undulating wall with a decorative gateway is part of the entrance to the Miralles estate. It’s a small but striking example of Gaudí’s work, showcasing his use of organic forms and creative design.

15. Casa Martí Trias i Domènech

Casa Martí Trias i Domènech
Casa Martí Trias i Domènech | © Angelos Konstantinidis, Flickr User

Location: Carrer de Sant Elies, 20, 08006 Barcelona, Spain

This house, located in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district, is another lesser-known Gaudí work. Designed as a private residence, it features the architect’s typical use of natural forms and innovative structural solutions, making it a hidden gem in Barcelona’s architectural landscape.


Exploring these Gaudí buildings in Barcelona offers a comprehensive understanding of his architectural legacy. Each structure, with its unique design and imaginative details, contributes to the rich tapestry of Barcelona’s cultural heritage, making the city a must-visit destination for architecture lovers.

Notes & Additional Credits
  1. Gaudí: The Complete Works by Rainer Zerbst
  2. The Complete Works of Antoni Gaudí by Bassegoda Nonell, Joan. Thames & Hudson, 2000.
  3. Descharnes, Robert, and Préau, Clovis. Gaudí: The Visionary. Taschen, 2005.