Submit Your Work!

ArchEyes Submission Guidelines

Would you like to see your project published on ArchEyes?

ArchEyes welcomes submissions from architects, urbanists, students, photographers, designers, researchers, and anyone who wants to see their work published online. However, we cannot answer all submissions, and it may take a while for us to get back to submissions that we intend to publish, so please be patient. Please read the instructions below to be sure of doing everything right.

  1. Legal Stuff

    By sending your work, you accept our Terms and Conditions. So first, please make sure you have read them carefully.

  2. What are we looking for?

    Built and unbuilt architectural or urban design projects or photographic reports of individual buildings. Audiovisual material is also welcome. We are especially interested in architecture works that have had a big influence on the industry (timeless architecture), innovative designs with a good story behind them, and fantastic images. We welcome works (built or unbuilt) and articles of architecture practices, photographers, researchers, and urban designers.

  3. Where to send it?

    You can email us at: [email protected]You can send the information embedded or using platforms like:

  4. What to send?

    When submitting your project, we recommend including at least ten images with exterior and interior photographs & plans (floor plans, sections, and details). This makes the review process much more efficient and allows us to get back to you more quickly.

    Please don’t scrimp on the number of images – the more, the better. And we also appreciate movies, podcasts, or other digital information whenever possible. Please look at our copyright policy before submitting the material and visit the FAQ section in case of any questions.

    Plans, sections, and sketches are very demanded among our readers, so please make sure to include them if you can. We cannot pay for photography, but we will happily give credits, links, and full copyright details where appropriate. Many photographers gladly give us free imagery as publication on ArchEyes is an excellent way to promote their work and often leads to commissions from other publications.

  5. What happens once the material is sent?

    If we select your work, we will publish an article and get back to you. Maybe not immediately because we receive many proposals for publication, and selecting them carefully takes time.

  6. And if my work is not published?

    Well, don’t take it the wrong way. It does not mean we didn’t find your project interesting. We are currently publishing one project a day, so we are very selective about what we feature.

Please note ArchEyes has a passionate and opinionated readership, and stories attract comments. While we believe in freedom of speech, we understand that sometimes comments can upset architects and designers who send us their work. We try to moderate comments to keep them reasonable, but sometimes we make mistakes. If you submit a story and you think comments are unreasonable or upsetting, please drop us a line.

Terms and Conditions

Please make sure you only submit content to us if you are the owner of all intellectual property rights in that content. For example, this means that you own the copyright in the material and any trademarks or design rights, which may be registered or unregistered. Please check if you own these rights if you are unsure.

Where there is a claim that someone else owns all or part of the intellectual property rights in the content, we will investigate the allegation and will remove the content from our website if necessary.

We are free to publish content that you submit to us in whole or part on this website, on any other site in which we have publishing rights, or via any other means, for example, through mobile applications, and to allow third parties also to similarly publish this content where they do so in association with us.

Please make sure you do not submit any content that might be considered abusive, obscene, illegal, libelous, defamatory, racist, or factually inaccurate, as we will not publish such content.

Remember, you are fully responsible for all content you submit to us, and you accept liability for any actions relating to the content. Any comments and reviews posted on this website by you or other users do not reflect our opinions. We are not responsible or liable for any content submitted by you or anyone else.

By providing submissions to us, you confirm you agree with these terms.

Thank you for choosing ArchEyes!