This page outlines our ethical policies and principles guiding our editorial content at ArchEyes.com.
Publishing Schedule
At ArchEyes, we do not adhere to a strict publishing schedule, but we aim to publish new posts as frequently as possible.
Our blog serves as an “Inspiration Tool,” covering not only contemporary architectural works but also historically significant buildings. We only publish content that is inspiring or adds value to the architectural discourse.
Editorial Features
Beyond featuring inspirational projects, the ArchEyes team creates unique editorial content that delves into contemporary culture, such as studio visits, travel stories, and more.
Quality Over Quantity
We prioritize quality over quantity by focusing on fewer articles, ensuring that each published piece is of the highest significance and value to our readers.
We strive for accuracy in our content, but we recognize that mistakes can happen.
If you believe we have made an error in one of our articles, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Transparency and Objectivity
At ArchEyes, our commitment to transparency and objectivity is unwavering. We make a clear distinction between editorial content, sponsored content, and advertising. To ensure our readers fully understand the nature of the content they are consuming, sponsored content and advertising will be prominently labeled. Additionally, we include Amazon affiliate links when referencing books, providing a seamless experience for our readers while maintaining full disclosure.
All materials published on ArchEyes are the intellectual property of either ArchEyes, our content providers, or our authors, and are protected by international copyright law. Images and drawings are typically the intellectual property of their respective photographers, architects,, designers, etc., unless stated otherwise. We welcome individuals and websites to repost content from www.archeyes.com, provided that:
- ArchEyes is acknowledged as the source with a prominent credit and link to the relevant page on our site (e.g., “(via ArchEyes.com)” or “Seen on ArchEyes.com” or an in-text link).
- All copyright information is respected, with credits and links to authors and photographers included next to the relevant text, images, etc., and permission obtained from the copyright holder in advance.